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Return to Normal Activities - 10.28.2020

October 28, 2020

New Hope Family,

We will be returning to normal activities at the building starting Sunday, Nov 1. Worship services and classes will return to the posted schedule. We will, of course, continue our livestreaming of worship and Zoom Bible classes.

Those in our family who were or are dealing with COVID 19 are recovering and in our prayers. A couple of things to note coming out of this event:

  • The person who later developed symptoms after being at services on Sunday, Oct 18 was properly wearing a mask and never removed it while in the building. This is good support for following the proper guidelines as we seek to love and respect one another. Wearing a face covering while in the building is our recommendation.
  • It is critical that you contact a New Hope Elder or Staff Member if you feel that you might have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus or if you are feeling ill. This will give us the best chance to react fast and minimize exposure.

In moments like this, it is always important to reflect on what happened and adjust our practices and behaviors. We also recognize that infection rates are rising in Oklahoma City and Edmond. This raises the need to be more cautious. 

PLEASE join us on the livestream IF:

  • If you are at risk
  • If you are sick or been around someone who is
  • If you are concerned
  • If you don’t want to adhere to face-covering requirements or social distancing

Be sure to check the website weekly ( as things can change quickly and as new information is published.

We want to be a family that seeks to love and serve an AMAZING GOD and our family. Even though we might differ on how to react to the virus, we shouldn’t differ on our desire to love, serve and respect each other. If you have any questions or have concerns that you would like to discuss, please call one of the Elders and we will be happy to talk with you. Please be fervent in prayer!

In Christ,
The Elders


Livestream Details
Please join us in worshiping God on YouTube.
Go to 
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