NEW HOPE Missions

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20

New Hope international workers are located in Venezuela, Honduras, Cross & Crown (OKC), Northern Africa, and the United Kingdom among Middle Eastern refugees.

A black and white logo for a church called new hope church of christ.

Since the beginning of the New Hope Church of Christ, the leadership of our congregation has made local and global missions a core value.  Stewarded by our Missions Team, this church family partners with these particular mission workers and ministries …

  • Cross & Crown Mission in OKC (Paul & Suzanne Whitmire, Drew & Amanda Whitmire) … a local inner-city ministry among the homeless and disenfranchised, helping many to get on their feet and find spiritual purpose. This is truly a ‘hands and feet’ mission where volunteers can be engaged.
  • Venezuela (Pedro & Luisa Andrade, Aaron & Maru Andrade, Germán & Ninoska Chirinos) … a partnership with the Andrade family and other nationals in an evangelistic mission to plant and grow several indigenous-led churches, bringing hope to an oppressed nation.
  • Honduras (Dr. Amanda Madrid) … a partnership with ‘Predisan Health Ministries’ among the poor in the nation’s central mountainous region.  With no paid U.S. workers, this indigenous mission provides spiritual guidance, health care, humanitarian assistance, and community development to tens of thousands. Our church sends a short-term mission team every two years.
  • Middle Eastern Refugees … this most recent addition to our global vision is joining in what God is doing within the Middle Eastern Refugee world.  We partner with two families, one in northern Africa, and our newest alliance with another family in  Birmingham, England, who live among the multi-faith Middle Eastern Community.

Furthermore, we plan to launch a new church-planting work in Vigo, Spain. Our church family invests on Mission Sunday  each year in local and global missions, with focus of resources in partnership with these respected and passionate servants of the Lord.  Your prayers and financial support is advancing the kingdom!  If you have questions, contact any of the Shepherds or Mission Team members.

New Hope Missions Team:

Paul & Karen Farrell

Tom & Katherine Goforth

CB & Peggy

Bob & Darla Peterson

Alan Phillips

Missions budget available upon request.

 "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, 
much more will be asked." Luke 12:48
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