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New Hope Sunday Reopen Information

June 16, 2020
Dear New Hope Family,

As we prepare for our first Sunday back, June 21, we want to communicate what to expect when you arrive at the building. We do expect that if you are uncomfortable with returning or are in an “at-risk” category that you will continue to worship using the live stream that will be available.  

  • Adult and youth ZOOM classes will start at 9:00am (and end by 10:00am) instead of 9:30am to allow time for driving to the building for the worship service.
  • MASKS are strongly recommended as is SOCIAL DISTANCING. Please respect the space of others.
  • BOTH ENTRANCES into the building will be OPEN for you to enter. Ushers will be available to guide you to the seating areas in the auditorium or overflow area. We will be trying to accommodate as many people as possible so please use the seating offered to you by the ushers.  
  • As you enter and leave the building please do not CONGREGATE in the lobbies but use the gym or outside for fellowship. 
  • There will be NO COFFEE OR DONUTS available.
  • WATER FOUNTAINS​ will be disconnected.
  • When you come into the auditorium please DO NOT SIT in the rows marked RED.  
  • NO CLASSES FOR ANY AGES OR NURSERY services will be provided. Please come prepared with activities for your children.  
  • MODIFIED worship activities will be provided to the KIDS (coloring sheet and 1 small pack of crayons to KEEP.)
  • The OVERFLOW area will be in the gym, possibly a more flexible location for families with small children. 
  • COMMUNION will be provided using the individual communion wafer and juice set and drop-off points will be near the exits for contribution. 
  • OFFERING will be taken up via online or in baskets placed at either lobby.
  • There will be NO INVITATION offered at the end of worship. If you have needs, we ask that you reach out to an elder or minister who would love to talk with you.
  • Because of the equipment (cameras, monitors, microphones) needed to produce a live stream we would ask that you NOT CONGREGATE near the STAGE or FRONT of the auditorium OR allow your children to play in this area. 
  • Be gracious and kind to each other as we all have different opinions about how to handle the current situation. 
ALSO, several procedures have been set in motion over the last several weeks to give the building complete sanitization and will continue to keep the building clean. Procedures included, but have not been limited to, carpet cleaning, total surface disinfection, hand soap replaced with antibacterial soap, hand sanitizer replaced with alcohol-based sanitizer, removal of excess furniture in gym & classrooms to allow for social distancing, & AC service and cleaning. 

We are excited about being physically together again!

In Him, 

The Elders  

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