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New Hope News - March 17, 2020

March 17, 2020
New Hope Family!

Peace, Hope, and Love to all during these unprecedented times. Though uncertainty and fear seem to be lurking around every corner, do not forget that our Father “did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a Spirit of power, love, and self-control” (2 Tim 1:7) who dwells directly within us.

While all protocols and social norms are seemingly being shifted by the hour, our staff and leadership at New Hope are dedicated to using what is at our disposal to continue sharing the Gospel of Christ and serving to keep you engaged and plugged into “the vine” (John 15). In the interim, we strongly encourage each of you to be using the resources you have to harvest and improve your personal connection to God using the power of the Holy Spirit.

N.T. Wright, renowned New Testament Scholar and Pauline Theologian, has made a small group video curriculum on the book of Philippians, available free of charge! Check out the link below:

Stay tuned for more updates on our plan moving forward, as we work to formulate our overall course of action, and how to best offer what we can to serve you, as we seek to adjust to the “new TEMPORARY norm”. But fear not, as Ecclesiastes 3 tells us, “There is a season, and a time, for everything under the Sun.”

This assuredly isn't the season we want, but it's the one we've got. Praise God that it isn't always this way! But our Faith tells us, with no uncertainty, that our Father will use the difficulties we are currently facing to mold and refine us, as His “image-bearers” (Gen 1:27) and restore us into more effective tools for His Kingdom.

Stay positive, engage your mind and your Spirit, and most importantly do not lose hope! After all, the word is in the very name of our church family 

Gratefully serving with you!
-New Hope Staff
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