Ministry Leaders

New Hope Ministry Leaders (Under Construction)


Wednesday Night Meal - Tre & Angie Perry, Mark Ruff

Congregational Events _____________________________

Breakfast Fellowship- Tom and Katherine Goforth

Funeral Meals - Jennifer Talliaferro

Care Meals- Jennifer Talliaferro/ Val & McKenzie

Hosting Youth Events- Furr/Gentry

Hosting College Events- Justin Kellogg

Door Greeters- Kamry Murrell 

Visitor & New Member Followup- Franklins, staff and Elders

New Member Coordinator ______________________________

Paper Angels- Cae Gass?

Checkin at Children’s Wing- Val & McKenzie

Sunday Morning Coffee/Donut preparer- Chris Lewis

Donuts (order, set up)- Mark Ruff

Wedding/baby Shower Coordinator- _________________________________

Volunteer Appreciation Coordinator- _______________________________


Event Scheduler (Phone Contact/Maintain Calendar)______________________

Workdays at the building- New Hope Building Committee?

VBS- Val and Mckenzie

Special Worship Events-

Small Groups- Chris Lewis

4x4s- Chris Lewis

Children’s Worship nursery Coordinator- _____________________________

Children’s Church coordinator- _________________________________

Children’s Bible classroom coordinator (5)- _____________________________

Decorating Closet- Amy Britton?

Kitchen (Cleaning, organizing and ordering) _____________________________


Adult Classes- Chris Lewis

Tuesday morning Women’s class- Debbie Kelsey/Cae Gass?

Tuesday morning Men’s class- Greg Poland

College- Justin Kellogg

Middle School- Youth Team (Gentry, Furr)

High School- Youth Team (Gentry, Furr)

Maintenance (building committee?)

Lawn Mowing-_____________________________

Flowerbeds - Chris Lewis

Trimming bushes and trees- _______________________________

Painting- __________________________________

Clean up Days- _________________________________


Praise Team- Jacob Conger

Technology Team- Calvin Weeks & Jacob Conger

Greeting/communion thoughts- Mark Ruff

Living Water Coordination- ______________________________

Video Production - _________________________________

Online Chat Moderator- Kamry Murrell 

Livestream Outreach- ___________________________

Prayer Ministry- Odra Pratt

Security Ministry- ______________________________

Communion Prep- Lonny Cobble

Benevolence- Jeff Harris

Church Photographer- Meredith Duncan? 


Food Pantry - Rob & Judy Ford

Crayons & Cuts- Damon & Amy Britton

Christmas Event- _______________________

Social Media Coordinator - _______________________

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